Batik Tie and Dye Production
The creativity is limitless when it comes to the designs and colors of batik tie and die production. AFRIMUDA members are given knowledge in the intricate details of producing fabrics for multiples uses and entrepreneur endeavors. Ghana's history in beautiful fabric designs creates a foundation of using these skills as a long term means of supporting self and family.
Sewing and Fashion Design
One of the most enduring professions in Ghana is that of the professional tailor and seamstress. The AFRIMUDA Sewing and Fashion Design Programs teaches sewing skills for both traditional and contemporary designing by learning sketching, creative production, and basic and advanced sewing skills. All AFRIMUDA costumes are designed and sewn by members on the program.
Website Design Training
Students are taught the intricate details of using the available online software for designing both business and personal websites. Including the process for obtaining domains, maintaining websites in a professional setting, and utilizing the latest technologies in automation and social media and site connections.
Children Reading Program
An educational enrichment program for the youth members of the African Music and Dance Foundation to encourage academic excellence, pride in self, and to provide the tools of literacy for a brighter future
Guest Students Program
The guest students program offers opportunity to students and lovers of African music and dance to acquire or upgrade their artistic skills in African rhythms and movements. At AFRIMUDA, we have able and professional instructors who are capable of helping you to play intricate African rhythms with ease.